For OBJECT CARPET, the “green mission” and a consistent commitment to the environment have always been part of the company’s DNA. This is why the premium carpet manufacturer from Denkendorf has been focusing on the development of sustainable solutions for ecological building for many years and has become an expert in environmentally friendly floor coverings with recyclable and resource-saving products. OBJECT CARPET also carried out real pioneering work together with partner Niaga in developing the first circular mono carpet NEOO. Now the company is investing further in the underlying technology of fiber bonding and lamination. Because this pioneering process will enable OBJECT CARPET to expand its range of recyclable carpets on the international market and to support industry partners in the transition to circular solutions. To this end, OBJECT CARPET will take over all patents for coating technology and processes for carpets and become Niaga’s main distribution partner for its carpet PES hotmelt adhesive in this application.
All the skills needed to produce recyclable carpets are concentrated at the OBJECT CARPET production site in Krefeld: from the design and product development to the final product, everything is done here. The key to the innovation of the carpets which consist of only one or two materials is the click-unclick adhesive made of 100% polyester (PES), which is tailored to circulation-oriented design.
Moritz Winterstein, Head of Niaga: “Together, we have shown that it is possible to produce highly durable carpets from monopolyester. Now OBJECT CARPET is ready for the next step: continuing on the green path and supporting industrial partners as they transition to a recycling economy.”
Patented fiber bonding technology and click-unclick adhesive
The patented fiber bonding technology enables carpet manufacturers to develop and produce floor coverings for the circular economy. Fiber bonding agents are used to join the pile to the tufting fabric. The melted tufting fabric is then bonded to the secondary carrier with the PES hotmelt adhesive by lamination (“click”). At the end of the carpet’s useful life, the adhesive can be deactivated by applying heat (“unclick”) so that both materials can be returned to their original production cycle. The acquisition will give OBJECT CARPET access to Niaga’s entire carpet patent portfolio, which includes patents specifically for carpet production, design and recycling.
Healthier and more energy-efficient
The unique technology, which was developed in close collaboration, focuses on the essentials and does not contain any harmful ingredients such as latex, which would make recycling more difficult. Compared to conventional carpet production – with over 30 different, often irreversibly bonded materials – this coating process is extremely energy-efficient and requires neither gas nor water.
Scaling up circular solutions for the carpet industry
OBJECT CARPET’s successful launch of the monopolyester carpet NEOO has solidified the company’s standing as a pioneer in the carpet industry. The intensified cooperation and the acquisition of the coating technology is a logical step, as OBJECT CARPET’s know-how and skills will help other carpet manufacturers to successfully develop carpet solutions that are suitable for closed loop recycling management. The doors of the Krefeld production facility are open to anyone who wants to see this new technology in action and understand it better.
OBJECT CARPET becomes Niaga’s main distribution partner for its carpet PES hotmelt adhesive. To support new partners with small-scale testing capabilities, the testing equipment will be transferred from Niaga to OBJECT CARPET.
Daniel Butz, Managing Director and owner of OBJECT CARPET GmbH: “Now that we have demonstrated solutions and shown the value of circular carpet solutions for the industry, we are looking forward to expanding our partnerships with industry peers and supply chain players. The exchange of experience and knowledge is crucial in order to achieve the goals of the circular economy together – in line with the motto “Join the future”.